Henry IV completed the construction of this “new bridge” and inaugurated the structure in 1607. The bridge is located on the westernmost point of the Île de la Cité, one of Paris’ two natural islands in the Seine River. The Pont Neuf is Paris’ oldest existing bridge across the Seine River. Not only is it illegal but Parisian locals frown upon the practice as they are passionate about their cities art & architecture. The locks collectively deplete the bridge’s structural integrity which is a risk for the bridge and those who walk across it. Pont des Arts is right near the Louvre which makes it a very convenient destination for lovers of all ages to visit during their trip! Again, while the tradition was not born in Paris, it is definitely the most famous love lock destination.Īlthough the Pont des Arts are famed for locks being added to it, it is illegal to do so today.
It turns out this tradition was coined in that very movie which inspired the “love lock” tradition to begin on Ponte Milvo in Rome! Why didn’t it become more popular in Rome? Ponte Milvio isn’t exactly in the center of the city so I am guessing it didn’t catch on mostly for the lack of convenience of visitors. I remember thinking, “this is corny… they copied off Pont des Arts in Paris!” I first watched it in 2015 and remember being particularly struck by a scene where two lovers write their name on a lock and attach it to Ponte Milvo, a bridge in Rome, before throwing the key in the river. In 2006, a film named Ho Voglio di Te (I want you) hit the theatres in Italy. On top of that, the practice of adding locks to the bridge is illegal today and we do not recommend you do this yourself. The tradition did not start in France let alone in Paris. While Pont des Arts is definitely the most famous “love lock” bridge it is not the original “love lock” bridge.